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…Lab) AMB21 MCU Part Number: RTL8722DM 32-bit KM4 (Arm Cortex-M33 compatible) 32-bit KM0 (Arm Cortex-M23 compatible) Memory 512KB SRAM + 4MB PSRAM + 2MB Flash Key Features Integrated 802.11a/n Wi-Fi…

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BLECharacteristic Class

…buffer as an unsigned 8-bit integer. BLECharacteristic::readData16 Read the characteristic data buffer as an unsigned 16-bit integer. BLECharacteristic::readData32 Read the characteristic data buffer as an unsigned 32-bit integer. BLECharacteristic::writeString Write…

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BLESecurity Class

…capabilities. Syntax void setIOCap(uint8_t ioCap); Parameters ioCap: desired device input output capabilities.Valid values:– GAP_IO_CAP_NO_INPUT_NO_OUTPUT– GAP_IO_CAP_DISPLAY_ONLY– GAP_IO_CAP_DISPLAY_YES_NO– GAP_IO_CAP_KEYBOARD_ONLY– GAP_IO_CAP_KEYBOARD_DISPLAYDefault values:– GAP_IO_CAP_NO_INPUT_NO_OUTPUT Returns NA Example Code NA Notes and Warnings The IO…

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BLESecurity Class

…capabilities. Syntax void setIOCap(uint8_t ioCap); Parameters ioCap: desired device input output capabilities.Valid values:– GAP_IO_CAP_NO_INPUT_NO_OUTPUT– GAP_IO_CAP_DISPLAY_ONLY– GAP_IO_CAP_DISPLAY_YES_NO– GAP_IO_CAP_KEYBOARD_ONLY– GAP_IO_CAP_KEYBOARD_DISPLAYDefault values:– GAP_IO_CAP_NO_INPUT_NO_OUTPUT Returns NA Example Code NA Notes and Warnings The IO…

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BLECharacteristic Class

…buffer as an unsigned 8-bit integer. BLECharacteristic::readData16 Read the characteristic data buffer as an unsigned 16-bit integer. BLECharacteristic::readData32 Read the characteristic data buffer as an unsigned 32-bit integer. BLECharacteristic::writeString Write…

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BLERemoteDescriptor Class

…BLERemoteDescriptor::readData8 Read the descriptor data buffer as an unsigned 8-bit integer. BLERemoteDescriptor::readData16 Read the descriptor data buffer as an unsigned 16-bit integer. BLERemoteDescriptor::readData32 Read the descriptor data buffer as an…

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BLERemoteCharacteristic Class

…BLERemoteCharacteristic::readData16 Read the characteristic data buffer as an unsigned 16-bit integer. BLERemoteCharacteristic::readData32 Read the characteristic data buffer as an unsigned 32-bit integer. BLERemoteCharacteristic::writeString Write data to the characteristic as a…

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BLERemoteDescriptor Class

…BLERemoteDescriptor::readData8 Read the descriptor data buffer as an unsigned 8-bit integer. BLERemoteDescriptor::readData16 Read the descriptor data buffer as an unsigned 16-bit integer. BLERemoteDescriptor::readData32 Read the descriptor data buffer as an…

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BLERemoteCharacteristic Class

…BLERemoteCharacteristic::readData16 Read the characteristic data buffer as an unsigned 16-bit integer. BLERemoteCharacteristic::readData32 Read the characteristic data buffer as an unsigned 32-bit integer. BLERemoteCharacteristic::writeString Write data to the characteristic as a…

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SPISettings Class

…the preferred default value. Syntax SPISettings(uint32_t clock, BitOrder bitOrder, uint8_t dataMode); Parameters clock: SPI clock speed. (Default: 4000000(Hz)).bitOrder: The bit order of transmitting command/address/data. Select between MSBFIRST (MSB: Most Significant…

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SPISettings Class

BitOrder _bitOrder);void setBitOrder(BitOrder _order); Parameters _pin: slave select._bitOrder: The bit order of transmitting command/address/data. Select between MSBFIRST (MSB: Most Significant Bit) or LSBFIRST (LSB: Least Significant Bit). (Default: MSBFIRST)._order: same…

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WiFiClass Class

…address (in 8-bit unsigned integer). Returns This function returns uint8_t array containing the macAddress with length WL_MAC_ADDR_LENGTH (6 bit). Example Code Example: ConnectWithWPA ( Notes and Warnings “WiFi.h” must be…

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iBeacon Class

…UUID. Returns NA Example Code NA Notes and Warnings UUID is a 128-bit number used to uniquely identify a beacon. It is commonly expressed as a 32-character hexadecimal string. UUIDs…

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iBeacon Class

…UUID. Returns NA Example Code NA Notes and Warnings UUID is a 128-bit number used to uniquely identify a beacon. It is commonly expressed as a 32-character hexadecimal string. UUIDs…

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WiFiClass Class

…bssid); Parameters bssid: an array to store bssid (8-bit unsigned integer). Returns This function returns the uint8_t array storing BSSID with length WL_MAC_ADDR_LENGTH (6 bit). Example Code Example: ConnectWithWPA (…

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SPISettings Class

…the preferred default value. Syntax SPISettings(uint32_t clock, BitOrder bitOrder, uint8_t dataMode); Parameters clock: SPI clock speed, default is 4000000.bitOrder: order of bit stream, MSB first or LSB first, default is…

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PlaybackWav Class

…class function. PlaybackWav::getBitDepth Description Get the bit depth of each sample in the .wav file. Syntax uint16_t getBitDepth(void); Parameters NA Returns This function returns bit depth encoded in the .wav…

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WS2812B Class

…WS2812B_Basics ( Notes and Warnings Only SPI MOSI pin is valid for driving WS2812B LEDs. “WS2812B.h” must be included to use the class function. WS2812B::begin Description Check for correct SPI…

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…RTL8722DM 32-bit KM4 (Arm Cortex-M33 compatible) 32-bit KM0 (Arm Cortex-M23 compatible) Memory 512KB SRAM + 4MB PSRAM + 2MB Flash Key Features Integrated 802.11a/n Wi-Fi SoC Trustzone-M Security Hardware SSL…

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IRDevice Class

…Description Send data using the NEC protocol. Syntax void sendNEC(uint8_t adr, uint8_t cmd); Parameters adr: 8-bit NEC address data to be transmitcmd: 8-bit NEC command data to be transmit Returns…

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SPI – Print Image and Text On LCD Screen

…RGB 16-bit ILI9341在绘图时,使用的颜色代码是RGB 16-bit, 与一般常见的RBG 24-bit差异是Red使用5 bit (原本的8 bits向右移3bits), Green使用6 bits(原本的8 bits向右移2bits), Blue使用5 bit(原本的8 bits向右移3bits)举例来说,天空蓝的RGB 24 bit为0x87CEFF,表示成二进位为:Red: 0x87 = B10000111 Green: 0xCE = B11001110 Blue: 0xFF = B11111111 转成RGB 16…

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RecordWav Class

…RecordWav::setBitDepth Description Set the recording bit depth of each sample in the .wav file. Syntax void setBitDepth(uint16_t bitDepth); Parameters bitDepth: number of bits per sample. Returns NA Example Code NA…

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BLEHIDDevice Class

…report descriptor length in bytes. Returns NA Example Code Example: BLEHIDGamepad ( Notes and Warnings The HID report map characteristic can only be configured after BLEHIDDevice init() function is called.HID…

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…Support AWS IoT ExpressLink WE10 (by Celium Devices)   Partner Designed   MCU Part Number: RTL8710CF 32-bit KM4 (Arm Cortex-M33 compatible) 32-bit KM0 (Arm Cortex-M23 compatible) Memory 256KB SRAM + 2MB Flash…

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PMUClass Class

…Parameters NA Returns This function returns the GPIO wake pin number used on Ameba boards.– “1“: BIT(0): wakepin0– “2“: BIT(1): wakepin1– “4“: BIT(2): wakepin2– “8“: BIT(3): wakepin3– “0”: NA Example…

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SPI – Print image and text on LCD screen

…tft lcd touch shield的接法,要注意的是,这款shield预设已打上背光,并且pin 8不是背光的pin,所以不需接上背光的pin。另外它接到5V,而不是3.3V。 RTL8710 的接线图: 打开范例程式, “Files” -> “Examples” -> “AmebaSPI” -> “ILI9341_LCD_basic” 编译后上传到Ameba,完成后按下Reset按钮。 萤幕上会执行一些基本测试,像是刷新萤幕为不同颜色,画直线与横线,画斜线,画圆圈,画正方形,显示不同大小的文字,最后不停地旋转萤幕并印出文字 程式码说明 RGB 16-bitILI9341在绘图时,使用的颜色代码是RGB 16-bit, 与一般常见的RBG 24-bit差异是Red使用5 bit (原本的8 bits向右移3bits), Green使用6 bits(原本的8 bits向右移2bits), Blue使用5…

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AudioCodec Class

…(Default: 16 bits).Supported values:– 8 bits– 16 bits– 24 bits Returns NA Example Code NA Notes and Warnings Setting a bit depth of 24 bits per sample will require 32…

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SoftwareSerial Class

bits (default) or 7 bits.stop_bits: number of stop bits, 1 bit (default), 1.5 bits or 2 bits.flowctrl: flow control pin.rtsPin: request to send pin.ctsPin: clear to send pin. Returns NA…

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SPI – Print Image and Text On LCD Screen

…“AmebaSPI” → “ILI9341_TFT_LCD_basic” 编译后上传到Ameba,完成后按下Reset按钮。萤幕上会执行一些基本测试,像是刷新萤幕为不同颜色,画直线与横线,画斜线,画圆圈,画正方形,显示不同大小的文字,最后不停地旋转萤幕并印出文字 此外,它还可以根据屏幕尺寸显示用户图像。使用线上图像转换工具,支援输入 png、.jpg 和 .gif 图像并输出为 .c 文件。转换完成后,将 .c 文件放入我们的模板 Amebalogo.h 文件中,然后再次上传代码。 程式码说明 RGB 16-bit ILI9341在绘图时,使用的颜色代码是RGB 16-bit, 与一般常见的RBG 24-bit差异是Red使用5 bit (原本的8 bits向右移3bits), Green使用6 bits(原本的8 bits向右移2bits), Blue使用5 bit(原本的8…

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VideoStreamOverlay Class

… Intensity level of green color expressed as an 8-bit unsigned integer from to Intensity level of blue color expressed as an 8-bit unsigned integer from to 255.alpha: Transparency…

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AmebaILI9341 Class

…Write a SPI command to the hardware peripheral. Syntax void writecommand(uint8_t command); Parameters command: SPI command in 8-bit. Returns NA Example Code NA Notes and Warnings “AmebaILI9341.h” must be included…

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AmebaILI9341 Class

…coordinate of the Bitmap imagey: top coordinate of the Bitmap imagew: width of the Bitmap imageh: height of the Bitmap imagecolor: the string name of the Bitmap image Returns NA…

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VideoStream Class

bitrate. Valid values range from 1Mbps (1024 * 1024) to 50Mbps (50 * 1024 * 1024). Default value of 4Mbps. Returns NA Example Code VideoOnly ( Notes and Warnings “VideoStream.h”…

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BLEHIDDevice Class

…setHidInfo (uint16_t bcd, uint8_t country, uint8_t flags); Parameters bcd: 16-bit unsigned integer representing version number of base USB HID Specification implemented by HID Devicecountry: 8-bit integer identifying country HID Device…

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…Example Code NA Notes and Warnings A 4-character UUID will be 16 bits / 2 bytes long.A 8-character UUID will be 32 bits / 4 bytes long.A 32-character UUID will…

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Wiring OS API

…only for this task. Returns This function returns the thread ID in 32-bit which is used in thread operation for reference by other functions or NULL in case of error….

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…Example Code NA Notes and Warnings A 4-character UUID will be 16 bits / 2 bytes long.A 8-character UUID will be 32 bits / 4 bytes long.A 32-character UUID will…

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…BLE4.2 – Support Secure boot – Up to 4.2MB RAM(Max.) – Ultra Low Power design Details & Boards Ameba D RTL8722DM/RTL8721DM/RTL8720DN – 32-bit KM4 (Arm Cortex-M33 compatible) – 32-bit KM0…

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…龙山寺 AirBox in 台大 登入 选择语言 繁體中文 简体中文 English Search AmebaPro2 Boards Designed by Realtek AMB82 AMB82 MINI AMB82 MCU Part Number: RTL8735B 32-bit Arm v8M, up to 500MHz Memory…

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…龙山寺 AirBox in 台大 登入 选择语言 繁體中文 简体中文 English Search Ameba1 Boards Designed by Realtek AMB01 AMB02 AMB01 MCU Part Number: RTL8195AM 32-bit Arm®Cortex®-M3, up to 166MHz Memory 1MB ROM,…

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…龙山寺 AirBox in 台大 登入 选择语言 繁體中文 简体中文 English Search AmebaPro Boards Designed by Realtek AMB81 AMB81 MCU Part Number: RTL8715AD 32-bit Arm v8M, up to 300MHz 32-bit Arm®Cortex®-M0, up…

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Standard SDK: Release History

…not properly entered – Fix WebSocket client (SUT) hardfault when sending data package – Fix OTA_HTTP Example hardfault occurs when the server is closed while transferring issue – Fix Peripheral…

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UART – Set Callback Function for UART Communications

…<适配器的端口号> Speed: 38400 Data: 8 bit Parity: none Stop bits: 1 bit Flow control: none 当串行口打开后,在串口终端中输入并按回车键,就会看到相应的输出。 程式码说明 mySerial.setAvailableCallback (mySerialCallback); 用于将函数mySerialCallback设置为软件串行的回调函数。当接收到新字符时,回调函数检查该字符是否与enter键相对应,如果返回值为真,则释放信号标,从而允许主循环打印出之前接收到的所有字符。 解决方案 IoT SoC / MCU Video SoC 开发者专区 购买开发版 Standard…

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TwoWire Class

…will send a restart keeping the connection active. (Default: True) Returns This function returns if successful, else returns 1 indicating error. Example Code Example: MasterWriter ( Notes and Warnings Originally,

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TwoWire Class

…will send a restart keeping the connection active. (Default: True) Returns This function returns if successful, else returns 1 indicating error. Example Code Example: MasterWriter ( Notes and Warnings Originally,

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Ameba ARDUINO: Release History

…Support uart settings on data bits, parity, stop bit, flow control Bug fix: – Fix malfunction on MQTT QOS0 Version 1.1.2 – 2016/08/02 Feature: – Support MQTT to wait ACK…

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Amazon Kinesis News

…Video Streams 也支援 WebRTC,WebRTC 是一种开放原始码专案,允许在网路浏览器、行动应用程式及连接的装置之间透过简单的 API 即时媒体串流与互动。 Ameba Pro2微控制器 提供更好的影像品质 Ameba Pro2配备了高效能的 32-bit Arm v8M 微控制器(MCU),专为处理高度复杂的影像处理任务而设计,并能够支援高速运算,这对于摄影机应用来说是至关重要的。此外,它还配备了具有 AI智慧引擎,可以进行快速而高效的影像分析和处理。其内建的影像信号处理器 (ISP) 能够精确处理来自摄影机的原始影像资料,并进行必要的优化,以确保提供最优质的影像。而其对H.264 和H.265 影像编解码的支援,不仅确保了影像的高效压缩和传输,还大大节省了储存空间,且开发程式码较先前短数百行,更可以有效降低摄影机制造成本。 Ameba Pro2 更提供了多元化的介面选项,包括 SPI、I2C、PWM、和 UART 等,使其可以轻松连接到各种外部装置,其中包括摄影机。此外,它还支援 802.11 a/b/g/n Wi-Fi…

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SoftwareSerial Class

…number of stop bits, 1 bit (default), 1.5 bits or 2 bitsflowctrl: flow control pinrtsPin: request to send pinctsPin: clear to send pin Returns NA Example Code Example: SoftwareSerialExample (…

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BLEDevice Class

…function. BLEDevice::setDeviceAppearance Description Set the BLE Generic Access Profile (GAP) device appearance. Syntax void setDeviceAppearance(uint16_t devAppearance); Parameters devAppearance: desired device appearance expressed as a 16-bit unsigned integer. Returns NA Example…

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…龙山寺 AirBox in 台大 登入 选择语言 繁體中文 简体中文 English Search AmebaZ Boards Designed by Realtek AMB11 AMB11 MCU Part Number: RTL8710BN 32-bit Arm®Cortex®-M4, up to 125MHz Memory 256KB RAM Key…

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WiFiSSLClient Class

…connected to. Syntax virtual int read(void);virtual int read(uint8_t *buf, size_t size); Parameters buf: buffer that holds incoming data in 8-bit.size: maximum size of the buffer. Returns This function returns the…

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Flash Memory – Use Flash Memory Larger Than 4K

…0x3F00的地方,也就是0xFC000 + 0x3F00 = 0xFFF00的位置,读出来的大小为32-bit,放在回传值里 value = FlashMemory.readWord(0x3F00); 写入则使用writeWord(),第一个参数是offset,第二个参数是要写入的值。 FlashMemory.writeWord(0x3F0C, value); 解决方案 IoT SoC / MCU Video SoC 开发者专区 购买开发版 Standard SDK Ameba ARDUINO AWS IoT ExpressLink Amazon FreeRTOS Arm…

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BLEHIDGamepad Class

…with 16 buttons, 6 16-bit axes and an 8-direction hat switch. This class will not work if a different gamepad report descriptor is implemented. “BLEHIDGamepad.h” must be included to use…

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Flash Memory – Use flash memory larger than 4K

…这个范例里会宣告Flash起始位置为0xFC000, 大小为0x4000。 (预设起始位置为0xFF000,大小为0x1000)然后根据offset对特定位置做读写。范例里使用offset 0x3F00,即Flash位置0xFC000 + 0x3F00 = 0xFFF00。第一次读出来将值设定成0,之后每次开机都加1。 程式码说明 之前的Flash API可以直接使用,但预设起始位置为0xFF000,大小为0x1000,如果要使用别的设定,则要呼叫begin(),范例里第一个参数是起始位置,第二个参数是大小。 FlashMemory.begin(0xFC000, 0x4000); 要读出这个区块的值,使用readWord(),范例里读出offset 0x3F00的地方,也就是0xFC000 + 0x3F00 = 0xFFF00的位置,读出来的大小为32-bit,放在回传值里 value = FlashMemory.readWord(0x3F00); 写入则使用writeWord(),第一个参数是offset,第二个参数是要写入的值。 FlashMemory.writeWord(0x3F0C, value); 解决方案 IoT SoC / MCU…

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BLEAdvertData Class

…Add complete list of service UUIDs to advertising data packet. Syntax uint8_t addCompleteServices(BLEUUID uuid);uint8_t addCompleteServices(uint8_t uuidBitLength); Parameters uuid: the desired UUID contained in BLEUUID class object.uuidBitLength: UUID bit length for…

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NfcTagClass Class

…Description Clear cached NDEF records in NfcTag object. Syntax void clearNdefMessage(void); Parameters NA Returns NA Example Code Example: UpdateTagContent ( Notes and Warnings Only clears cached NDEF records in NfcTag…

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BLEDevice Class

…function. BLEDevice::setDeviceAppearance Description Set the BLE Generic Access Profile (GAP) device appearance. Syntax void setDeviceAppearance(uint16_t devAppearance); Parameters devAppearance: desired device appearance expressed as a 16-bit unsigned integer. Returns NA Example…

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IR – Transmit IR NEC Raw Data and Decode

…• Mark: 特定时间发送脉冲• Space: 特定时间不发送脉冲 图三: 典型的红外线发射和接收设置实作 有关更多详细信息,请参阅SB-Projects的主题IR Remote Control Theory 学习IR遥控器操作的理论以及IR协议说明。在此范例中,我们将使用NEC(Now Renesas,也称为日语格式)作为传输协议。 NEC 特色 • 8位元地址和8位元命令长度。• 具扩展模式,地址长度加倍。• 为了确保可靠性,发送两次地址和命令。• 调节脉冲距离。• 载波频率为38kHz。• Bit Time为1.125ms或2.25ms。 调节 NEC协议使用Pulse Distance Encoding进行数据通信(图四)。 “1”由2250us的总持续时间表示,其中560us的“marks”和(2250-560)us的“spaces”表示。 “0”由总持续时间1120us表示,其中560us是“marks”,而(1120-560)us是“spaces”。 图四:…

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USBHIDGamepad Class

…with 16 buttons, 6 axes with 16-bit resolution and an 8-direction hat switch. This class will not work if a different gamepad report descriptor is implemented. “USBHIDGamepad.h” must be included…

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IR – Transmit IR Sony Data

…Control Theory专题,了解IR遥控器操作原理和IR协议说明。在此范例中,我们将使用 Sony 作为传输协议。 Sony 特色 • 12-位元版本, 7 位元命令, 5 位元地址• 调节脉冲距离• 载波频率为 40kHz• Bit time 为 1.2ms 或 0.6ms Sony SIRC 调节 SIRC 协议使用脉冲编码。代表逻辑“1”的脉冲是 40kHz 载波的 1200us,而逻辑“0”的是 600us…

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BLEHIDGamepad Class

…with 16 buttons, 6 16-bit axes and an 8-direction hat switch. This class will not work if a different gamepad report descriptor is implemented. “BLEHIDGamepad.h” must be included to use…

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AmebaILI9341 Class

…Only use this method to write 1 byte at a time. “AmebaILI9341.h” must be included to use the class function. AmebaILI9341::setRotation Description Setting screen orientation, “0” for no rotation, “1”…

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IR – Infra-red receiver and emitter

…Byte 1: Start high的长度,单位为50us Byte 2: Start low的长度,单位为50us Byte 3: 资料如果是bit 1,不打PWM的长度,单位是50us Byte 4: 资料如果是bit 0,不打PWM的长度,单位是50us Byte 5….: 传送的资料 红外线传送 传送的部份只需要呼叫Send,第一个参数是资料内容,第二个参数是讯号频率,单位是1K,范例中使用38KHzIR.Send(dtaSend, 38) 资料格式如下:Byte 0: 整包资料的长度 Byte 1: Start high的长度,单位为50us Byte…

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WiFiSSLClient Class

…connected to. Syntax virtual int read(void);virtual int read(uint8_t *buf, size_t size); Parameters buf: buffer that holds incoming data in 8-bit.size: maximum size of the buffer. Returns This function returns the…

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BLEAdvertData Class

…Add complete list of service UUIDs to advertising data packet. Syntax uint8_t addCompleteServices(BLEUUID uuid);uint8_t addCompleteServices(uint8_t uuidBitLength); Parameters uuid: the desired UUID contained in BLEUUID class object.uuidBitLength: UUID bit length for…

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