BLE - HID Mouse




In this example, the RTL8722 board emulates a HID mouse connected using BLE.


Open the example, “Files” -> “Examples” -> “AmebaBLE” -> “BLEHIDMouse”.


Upload the code and press the reset button once the upload is finished.
Immediately after reset, the board will begin BLE advertising as “AMEBA_BLE_HID”. On your host device, go to the Bluetooth settings menu, scan, and connect to the board.
You should ensure that the connection process is completed before proceeding.
On Windows, ensure that any driver installation is finished, and the board shows up in the Bluetooth menu under the “Mouse, keyboard & pen” category.


On Android, ensure that “Input device” is enabled for the board.


After the Bluetooth connection process is completed, the board is ready to send mouse input to the host device. Connect digital pin 8 to 3.3V to start sending input, and connect to GND to stop.
You should see the mouse cursor move around four points in a square, performing right and left clicks, and scrolling up and down.

Code Reference

How the mouse input is interpreted is dependent on the host system. Some systems, such as mobile operating systems, may not support all mouse button input functions.

Please confirm that QQ communication software is installed