GTimer - Using the One-Time Gtimer
- AmebaD [ AMB23 / AMB21 / AMB22 / BW16 / AW-CU488 Thing Plus ] x 1
In this example, we will use 4 One-Time GTimer, and pass user data to each timer.
Open the example “File” -> “Examples” -> “AmebaGTimer” -> “TimerOneshot”. Compile and upload to Ameba, and press reset. Then you can see the 4 timer log printed to the serial monitor in series.
Code Reference
The first argument of begin() is the Timer ID (0~3). The second argument is the value of the timer (in microseconds).
In the example, we fill in 1000000us = 1s. The third argument specifies the function to call when the time is up.
The fourth argument is to set whether this timer is a periodic timer, we use “false” here to begin a single-use timer.
The fifth argument is the user data, we give 0 here to represent that this is timer 0.
GTimer.begin(0, 1 * 1000 * 1000, myhandler, false, 0);
Next, we set up the second timer, which has timer value 2 seconds, and user data 1. And other timers are set similarly.
GTimer.begin(1, 2 * 1000 * 1000, myhandler, false, 1);
In myhandler function, we print the user data to serial monitor. Since the 4 timers are separately set to count for 1, 2, 3, 4 seconds, from 1 second to 4 second, the user data of each timer are printed on the serial monitor in order. After 4 second, no log will be printed.