Ameba MicroPython: [RTL8722CSM] [RTL8722DM] I2C

API Documents
I2C(unit_id [optional], “sda_pin” [required], “scl_pin” [required], frequency [optional])
Create a I2C object associated with the given pin name and configure it using other parameters. This allows you to then read/write data on the I2C bus.
• unit_id: The unit ID of the hardware I2C, assume default value if left blank
• “sda_pin”: The pin name of SDA
• “scl_pin”: The pin name of SCL
• frequency: The frequency at which I2C operates at, assume default value if left blank
Note: All optional parameters have default values as follows
Parameter Default
100000 (Hz)
This method de-initializes the I2C device.
This method scans and return the available I2C addresses.
I2C.readinto( buf [required], flag [optional])
This method reads the data received at I2C buffer into a user-declared buffer.
• buf: a buffer of string / array /byte array type
• flag: a Boolean flag, if True then send a NACK at the end, vice versa
I2C.write(buf [required])
This method sends data stored in the buffer.
• buf: a buffer of string / array /byte array type
I2C.readfrom(addr [required], len [required], stop [optional])
This method reads len bytes of data from given address, if stop is True, then send a STOP bit at the end of the transmission.
• addr: the address to read from
• len: the number of bytes to expect
• stop: a Boolean flag whether or not to send a STOP bit at the end of transmission
I2C.readfrom_into(addr [required], buf [required], stop [optional])
This method reads data from given address into the user-declared buffer provided, if stop is True, then send a STOP bit at the end of the transmission.
• addr: the address to read from
• buf: a data buffer of string / array/ byte array type
• stop: a Boolean flag, if True then send a STOP bit at the end of transmission, vice versa
I2C.writeto(addr [required], value [required], stop [optional])
This method sends data stored in the user-declared buffer to the given address, if stop is True, then send a STOP bit at the end of the transmission.
• addr: the address to write to
• value: an integer value to be sent over
• stop: a Boolean flag, if True then send a STOP bit at the end of transmission, vice versa
Please confirm that QQ communication software is installed